Greetings all and my isn't the temperature far more sociable of late and helps us ameliorate those angry moods that have been out there. Without further ado, let's spread the love and gratitude to Marion, Anna, Jo, Shilpa, Mary, Dan and Hollie for stopping by and sharing, liking, loving and commenting my previous posts. Kudos to you all and keep sharing the love everyone.
Well today I will focus my attention on the old way of divination in the form of runes. I have a course coming up on Sunday and I do enjoy it as I get to fuse my writing skills with this old form of divination. When I cover each rune I've written a little haiku for each one and it just adds my own signature as opposed to me following the path of other courses. I have my own unique way of working with them and do my best to make it interesting. Anyone who knows me will see that I won't necessarily follow the norm.

On top of that I'm slowly building a repository of tales for each rune. The idea being that those who come on my course will have access to them to help them get a bit more understanding of the meaning of the rune whilst hopefully being entertained by a piece of flash fiction. Just for today I've incorporated a story below but if you want to read the rest, you'll have to enrol on my course. I've still a few to write but it's quite an enjoyable process. In the meantime, here's a tale for you all and no the tale is nothing to do with the Vikings. As a writer I will let my imagination flow to wherever it wishes to wander. On that note I shall leave you and remember everyone, keep on reading.
All is dark. Every light, every piece of hope snuffed out. She opened her eyes wider and yet no way forward came to her. She felt her retinue shuffle in unease beside her at the sudden onset of the void. She did not wish to turn back, the thought of such shame impossible.
“My lady, what do we do now?” whispered her man at arms.
She held up her hand even though none could see. Lady Lydia closed her eyes and journeyed inwards. Her brow tingled in a dancing spectrum of golds, whites and purple. She understood then and placed a gentle foot forward. Solid ground greeting her tread and she edged forward, step by interminable step.
A single line of her warriors followed her guidance. To go through the unseen mountain to reach the heights of Galteria presented the most absurd challenge. What choice did she have? Avenging eyes of her brother watched the passes above and to go north meant encounters with the Braes and south a meeting with the treacherous Kohl clans. The only way was through.
“Trust in guidance,” she whispered.
Her foot found the edge of set of ropes knotted together. Lydia shuddered when her hands found another set of ropes. A gale blew across the endless chasm with a fell voice urging them to go back on the air. Lydia seized the side of the flimsiest of bridges and went forward. The whispers grew ever louder around her and the lesser ones would have flung themselves to their doom. Lydia though had the heart of a conqueror and increased her pace. Leathered wings flew around the party and Lydia’s insight refused their company. At last her tread landed on solid ground once more.
Her whole party departed the bridge in safety. Lydia raised her hand and a soft breeze brushed her fingers.
“We will soon be outside,” she said.
Murmurings of content responded. She pushed ahead and made out the slight bluish tint of the daylight offering salvation. She’d see her brother soon enough.