Hello everyone. What a lovely sunny day it seems on first appearance. However, those mighty lungs of the air gods are blowing quite heartily out there and it's prudent today to stay inside until they've exhausted their capacious lung capacity.
It's been quite a productive last few days and since my nagging from those above to make best use of my time I'm quite pleased with the progress I've made. The writing is kick starting nicely and there's quite a few new projects waiting in the wings. I've also known for a while now that it's time to seriously take action with my health. When I think how fit I used to be it's a bit of a comedown to realise that those days are long gone.
Today, I had the joy of a phone call from the diabetic nurse. It would appear my blood sugar levels are getting naughtily close to the point where action or medication is needed. Ergo, it reaffirms my own thoughts about resolving the corpulence before it gets totally out of hand.
So, a new regimen is in place. I'm already doing Qi Gong daily which is a fantastic way to work physically with energy and movement. Now, I've discovered my old karate manual and will add some segments of that into my work as well.
The archaic days of leaping into star jumps, burpees, etc are long gone. Alas, my knees won't take that anymore and I do have to watch the blood pressure. However, today's excursion was a beautiful blend of karate and Qi Gong and it did generate just the right level of activity. I must just watch I don't get too carried away as time goes by.
Of course the intake of sustenance is to be improved. It's a challenge in this planet of ours where there is so much processed junk on offer to us all and the lure of sugar, sugar, sugar is all about. It's kind of ironic when we are told to eat healthily and yet very little is done to combat the grand parade of advertising for all the wrong materials. Profits will always walk over prophets it seems.
We all have a choice. We can choose to potter on with our current existence or we can adapt parts to suit what's right for us. Right now, I choose to attempt the second path. I'm not going to make some grandiose statement about "smashing targets, blah, blah, blah" but rather just setting my intention that way. This is the path which should work well and whilst others would be fearful of receiving this news I see it as a blessing. Basically, sort it our Gaz or start thinking about your next life. There's still a few things I'd like to do in this one thank you :)
Enjoy the last little bit of the sunshine today everyone :)