Hello dear friends and as I look out it appears to be a rather nice bright sunny day out there. This time of year can be actually quite pleasant you know. Anyway, before I continue let me express love, kudos and gratitude to Anna, Shilpa, Jo and Russell for stopping by on my previous post and reading, liking, commenting, loving and sharing. Thank you as always.
Intelligent life.
Turn away from destruction.
Take the path of love.
I remember reading years ago about when a species reaches a certain level of intelligence it will probably come to a point of self destruction. It is one of the great paradoxes that we all contain varying degrees of intellect and certainly have the power to shape our reality. When I look at humanity, the species has achieved so many different heights of achievements with the application of technology, endeavour and foresight.
With such progress you'd think that the road to utopia is very much within reach. This is true but alas unlikely. For with the gift of intellect comes the onset of ego and the inevitable thrust of conflict. Let us be under no illusion, man can destroy this world, the capability is there and there are those who'd quite happily annihilate the opposition to foist their own world order upon what's left, which in all probability will be zero.
The words of Robert Oppenheimer "I have become death, the destroyer of worlds," alas runs louder and larger than ever. The worse thing is that society has become inured to the suffering being played out on the canvas of some sort of twisted entertainment. The ones who send their minions to their demise have no interest in their sacrifice but merely their own venal sense of importance. It is a depressing sight and can lay low the most ardent positivity.
Yet, we must not give up. In us all lies the undeniable kernel of creativity, joy and unconditional love that does not serve the crazed will of the warmongers. Let us shine our own light in a way that will hold sway over those who wish to turn to savagery. Allow the injustice of the ages to be removed and let us all step up to who we truly are. It's a hard road, of that there is no doubt and right now Humanity has a choice: Life or extinction. I choose life.
Things to be grateful for
A day to chill yesterday
Some lovely feedback
My upcoming Reiki 1 course