Greetings all and guess what it's a grey sky out there once more. Clearly a sad day today as our sovereign ends her journey with us and is due a well earned rest. For me though, time to extend the love, friendship, kudos to Anna, Shilpa, Vanessa, Jo, Roni, Vic and Funty. Thanks as always for sharing, liking, loving and commenting on the posts I put out and it'd be great if you could share the love everyone.

For me though, my attention is drawn to runes. I'm not talking about an ex-England striker who ended up managing Derby County but those little pieces of Viking magic which offer good old guidance in our lives. Truly, the old ancient wisdom is most useful.
What strikes me when I look at them is the similarity between our modern alphabet and runic symbols. It may surprise many of you to find out that you can find the following letters in the elder futhark (no, I'm not swearing at you, but they are sets of characters in the make up of the rune collection), E,R,T,Y,I,P,S,F,H,M,n,B,C,X are in this set in some guise or another. They may not be exactly the same but the similarities to many can easily be seen.
What you find as well at times is that the runes will spell out a particular letter. Once, they literally spelt out S,P,I,R,I,T in that order which rather blew my mind at the time. Truth is they do work wonderfully well and often when people would like a change from Tarot, they'll take a shot at a rune reading.
I've been lucky enough to teach some Rune knowledge on Sunday and one of my readers, Jo, came along to my course to add to her already impressive array of knowledge. I like to take my time with this wisdom and if you've been looking for a reading, then why not give runes a try instead of the traditional tarot route. I'm not saying it's better than tarot, far from it, but it is another path you might want to tread and who knows perhaps one day you'll look into learning it yourself. If you do fancy a reading with runes, then please do get in touch and we'll take it from there.
I did look last night into having clickable links in my Facebook posts on pictures via Canva but alas I appear to be thwarted. Forgive me whilst I get technical but if you add links to a PNG file or a JPEG, it won't work as it's purely an image. Ergo, you save it as a PDF which does work but then Facebook would merely put up some ghastly blank image and the only way to get to the link is to click on the blank image and who on Earth is going to do that. Apparently, you can do some kind of shareable link, but darned if I could get it to work. Anna, I doubt if even Andrew could sort this one out!
Anyway, that's quite enough for today and I wish you all a beautiful week ahead and remember keep reading.
Three things to be grateful for
A lovely weekend of teaching, readings and healings
Trying out new ideas on Canva
Getting some good advice on blogging, social media, etc