Greetings all, as always let's share the love for those who've read, liked, loved and shared my latest post. So gratitude goes to Anna, Louise, Sarah and Mary for all your support. I do try to entertain with my random perambulations.
I always start the day with a wordle and this morning it did have me going for a bit until I saw the light. I see a few of my friends play it too and it's a fun way to exercise the grey matter.
As for me, well it'll be good to get back into a busy flow with the esoteric side of life. I've got the development groups that I do on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The weekend I've got healings and readings to fulfil as well as a Reiki gathering this Sunday. It really warms the soul to be involved with some wonderful people and doing my little bit to bring in some light where I can.
The sun came out to smile today too and we certainly need to invite in that light to the world right now. Let's bring the winds of change to where its needed to move the darker energies away from where they can cause such havoc. The golden energy is unstoppable and whilst the slavemasters are trying to choke the life out of freedom they will fail.
Oh, shall we search those old archives. Oh, ok then, here goes nothing.
Winning in style
Wrath slammed the bag into the floor.
‘This lot has surely earned me the soul stone.’
Avarice scuttled away from his chair to satisfy his curiosity.
‘You could have cleaned them up. You’ve turned my shirt all red and I’m supposed to be going out for dinner with Famine. How many you got in here anyway?’
‘When I last counted the body count was up to 20,303, oh make that 20,304.’
A supersized figure in the corner raised an eyebrow. He squirmed upright and peered hard at the triumphant figure of war.
‘I wouldn’t count your skeletons just yet my strong friend.’
‘The others have long given up and you’re just too bone idle to get up. Are you seriously saying you’ll beat me Sloth?’
Sloth reached down for a pint of lemonade.
‘You have no style at all Wrath. Yes you have bodies by the bucketload but nobody wants to see all that blood and gore these days. It’s so 20th century.’
‘Behave yourself. It might be crude but it sure is effective. Anyway, what have you got to offer?’
‘Look for yourself.’
Wrath snatched a piece of vellum from Sloth. He gasped aloud.
‘These figures have to be wrong. That’s impossible.’
‘They’ve been audited by Acedia this morning. You see my friend you may have bombs, bullets and guns but I’ve got something far more lethal.’
‘What?’ roared his beaten opponent.
‘Facebook, that’s earned me more souls than you could ever imagine. Now, hand me that pretty stone.’